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Wellbeing Team

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Rachel Thomas

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Kate Robertson

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Barb O'Hara

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Student Wellbeing

Sometimes students at our school need help with a personal problem. Often, these problems are not the fault of the student but they can affect how they behave in class and how well they can learn at school. If you have a problem that you need to discuss with someone, your form teacher, Year Level Co-ordinators and Wellbeing Team are all available to help.

Any one of these teachers will try to help you to solve your problem or direct you to someone else who may be able to help you. Remember, if you need help, see someone who can help you!

The objectives for the wellbeing team include:

  1. Evaluating current practice and develop systems and processes for the Irymple Secondary College Wellbeing Team that promotes best practice in the care and support of students, staff and families.

  2. To systematically review Irymple Secondary College resources such as policies, protocols and procedures, and undertake research to ensure that the resources are current, benchmarked and support best practice.


​See the links below for specific health information on a range of topics:

More information on specific health issues:

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  • YouTube

Contact Us


© Copyright 2020

Irymple Secondary College

Tel: 03 5024 5407


975 Karadoc Ave,

Irymple, Victoria 3498

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